
Yesterday, before I went to school. I went to a plaza the church yard (Catheral Square) that is in front of the church in the city (cathedral of Christchurch It's a link). I found a Kiwi who was selling some beads. You One can picks (buys) some beads to make necklaces or a bracelets.

Yesterday, before I went to school. I went to the church yard (Catheral Squre) that is in front of the church in the city (cathedral of Christchurch). I found a Kiwi who was selling some beads. One can pick (buy) some beads to make necklaces or bracelets.

I asked the owner,that do you know where are they from? And the owner answered me that he don't didn't know, so I told him there they are from Tainwan and all the beads meaning of each beads. Then, I went to the school. When I was walking to the school and thinking that I had not told him very clearly where are the beads from very clear. Then I decided after class I will go to find the owner and tell him again. And the Firstly, I must write down which what I want to tell him. At the calss class break time I wrote down as follows:

I asked the owner if he knew where they were from? And the owner answered that he didn't know, so I told him they were from Taiwan and meaning of each of the beads. Then, I didn't tell him very clearly where the beads were from. Then Idecided after class I would go to find the owner and tell him again. Firstly, I had to write down what I wanted to tell him. At the class break time I wrote down as follows:

Those benads are from Taiwan. There are the Taiwan's aborigineal's culture. The Taiwan's aborigineal is the same of NZ's aborigineal. They are all part of the Austronesian peoples (南島語族  It's a link ).

Those beads are from Taiwan. There are Taiwan's aboriginal culture. Taiwan's aborigines are the same as NZ's aborigines. They are all part of the Austronesian peoples.

lili2.jpg lili.jpg Lili for man is that means courage and it as for woman is which means chastity.

Lili for man that means courage and as for woman which means chastity.

peacock2.jpg peacock.jpg The ppeacok's plume is means symbolize love. It can protect your love, so many couple sentd  this to each other.

The peacok's plum symbolizes love. It can protect your love, so many couples send this to each other. They have rank in their society. noble.jpg It means your positions is high (noble). Usually just only leader can wears it.

They have ranks in their society. It means your position is high (noble). Usually only leaders can wear it.

eyes2.jpg eyes.jpg It that means eyes, it can protect your health. If you go to huntting, it also can protect your save safety.

That mean eyes, it can protect your health. If you go hunting, it also can keep you safe.

palic.jpg It's for women or girl, it means you can do house work very nice, like for example, cook, and, make new cloths etc ... .

It's for women or girls, it means you can do house work very nicely, for example, cooking and making new clothes etc...

As mentioned before, that was all I told to the Kiwi owner.

As nentioned before, that was all I told the Kiwi owner.




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